Sunday, August 30, 2009

By The Lake...

We love to go on walks around our new neighborhood....It is beautiful weather by the early evening and everyone is relatively relaxed....
In the WAY back of the development we have found this lake...
That is just a testament to the glory of God's creation....
Squish is quiet as a church mouse on our walks... she LOVES them...
Daddy loves the lake too... although it makes him wish he brought his fishing pole....
We will definitely come here more often...
And maybe next time....
...we'll bring our fishing pole!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Wedding (again)!

Squish got to go to her first wedding on Saturday. Our dear Crosspoint friends Ryan and Amy tied the knot.It was a beautiful outdoor wedding that even reminded hubby and I a little bit of our own wedding two years ago.The bride was radiant!The groom was dashing!
The flowergirls were adorable....The lighting was ethereal...
And the match......
...was made in heaven!!
Two very special people....
One very special day!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Party Time!

I went to my first birthday party on Saturday!My good friends, Sam...And Jake......just turned 2!!
It was at a park that had a water play area....
So it was time to put on my bathing suit and have some fun!!
My friend, Adam, was there too, and he's walking now... I was taking careful notes!!!
They had a baby play area for the little ones like me...
...where my friends Elizabeth and Ethan were hanging out...
But Mommy couldn't get me to stay there for anything...
There was WAY too much else to see!
I crawled this way....
I crawled that way....
I crawled over here....
And I crawled over there...
I stopped to make a few new friends...
And did a little playing....
...and splashing...
But mainly I was on the move...
Poor Mommy (who did not have a bathing suit on) could barely keep up...
After a while I started to get tired....
So we went to sit in the shade and have a nice cold drink....
And sing Happy Birthday to the birthday boys!!
Then Adam came to visit me....
And stole my binky right out of my mouth (which I thought was funny)...
But then he sweetly tried to put it back....
He's such a nice boy!!
Then it was time to take my exhausted and sleepy self home for a long nap! But what a fun day!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

No Time!

Mommy has been so busy with the new place that she has had no time to blog... or even really take pictures (gasp, I know). But here are some cute pics she did manage to take of me playing around at the new place.I am practically walking now... I like to creep along the furniture...
And I'm just so busy...
...and into everything...
Also, still teething.....
...also still have no teeth!!
That's all for now!!
More to come soon!!