Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Origins of "Squishy"

Our daughters nickname is Squishy. My husband came up with this. The name came from "Finding Nemo"... the scene where Dory tries to kind of adopt a baby jellyfish, saying, "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy." I do not know how this relates to our daughter... but he just started calling her Squishy when she was a couple of days old, and the name has stuck ever since. Now she even has a nickname of a nickname, Squish. It suits her... I don't know why or how... it just does. I probably call her Squish more than I call her by her real name. My husband is just intuitive like that... its almost like the universe speaks to him and tells him the name of things. And they always just fit. I have spent hours trying to think of names for things (pets, babies, etc.) and he just waltzes in and says one thing and that's it. Infuriating... but I love it!